Thursday, June 7

Living Yoga Center Update!

Living Yoga Center (hey! they have a newly designed site, nice!), the studio I practice at when I'm not on the road has switched owners. Deb, the founder of the center has handed off the baton (gong? yoga mat? bolster? no, she's a runner also, baton works) onto to Steve (one of the instructors at LYC) & Sharon—loving yogis that will take good care of this space and all of us.

They've made some exciting updates in the aesthetics, which I've photographed below. I'm excited to meet new teachers and try new classes (while still enjoying my regularly scheduled program). If you'd like to read a review of my first time going to LYC, you can locate that here.

Love to everyone at LYC—excited to witness this new part of the journey!

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